today we celebrate, honor and raise up the women who ignited the warrior spirits in varones!
Even though we fight, argue and don’t agree on everything, my mother is everything to me. After my father’s deportation she found the strength she needed to provide for myself and my sister, keep the family together and always with a smile on her face when though I know it seeing her family torn by ICE affected her just like it did me. She fought immigration to ensure that both of us received our green cards even though countless lawyers and “ experts” said it was a lost cause. She even gave me the strength I needed while we did our civil disobedience together blocking the ICE offices in Philadelphia. I would not be where I am if it wasn’t for her. Gracias mami.
- Miguel Esteban Andrade

We don’t have many photos together. Cameras were just never around and the ones that were, we never got those pictures developed. LOL But you and i would reminisce and paint pictures with our words and love. This is the first Mother’s Day I have to endure without you. I have a pain that I will never lose but your love that continues to carry me through. Thank you for my warrior spirit. Mom, I love you to the moon & back.
- Louie A. Ortiz-Fonseca
Who ran to help me when I fell, my Queen. Who would read me a book to sleep, my Queen. Who would kiss my BooBoo and tell me I will get better, My Queen. My Mothers love is like no other. Who said “I don’t care who you love, as long as you continue to love me! My Queen! She’s a magical loving person that God blessed me with. I wish her the best and full of Health. Happy Mothers Day!! iLoveYou!
- Carlos Lopez

Happy Birthday mom! Two days ago you would have been 79 years young.
It’s hard to believe that it has been only 5 months since you left us and even harder not to pick up the phone to call you and wish you a happy birthday. But today, I celebrate your life and the memories that you have created for me. To remember your laughter as we chatted about various things from the weather
I remember spending days and evenings with you. Some times we would talk, some times we would just be quiet in our own thoughts. But every night before I left your side , I told you I loved you,kiss you in your forehead and that I’d see you the next day. I remember that last night I saw you , that you gave me a kiss and a hug and a special longing look, like you were memorizing my face. I remember turning around to look at you in you'r room, wanting to turn back and not go to bed. I slept that night with a heavy heart. That night, that moment, is something that I will always remember. No words can ever express that feelings that I felt. As I looked back, I know you were saying “good-bye” to me, even though you never really said the words. It is something I will cherish all my life.
So on this Mother’s Day, mom, I want to wish you a Happy Birthday and to remember you as you were – strong, brave, loving…special.
You may be gone from this physical earth, but you live within me every day, every moment, every second.
Happy Birthday, mom….I love you te amo viejita.
- Edgar Lynn Renta Ortiz