Louie: You are the “heart and soul” of ACT UP Philadelphia, describe what is the current state of AIDS in our community?

Jose: We are silent, and what HIV history has taught us over that last 3 decades is SILENCE = DEATH. When we stop being silent and demand what we need we will stop being infected, and dying.

When Governor Wolf was candidate Wolf he said he would make an announcement to END AIDS in Pa by 2020. He said that to my face and shook my hand. No he cannot end AIDS but it is possible to dramatically lower infection rates. Easy access to HIV meds and access to Prep to those at high risk. Especially young Latino and black MSM and trans folks. His office will not return phone calls or requests for a meeting. Just like former Gov. Tom Corbett, he said he would use medicaid dollars to house homeless people with chronic illnesses. People with AIDS are still dying in the street. Especially Kensington. How long do we wait? How many new infections? How many more die homeless with AIDS?

- Jose DeMarco, Philadelphia

Interviewed by: Louie A. Ortiz-Fonseca