happy new year varones! hope the start of the 2016 has been full of love, inspiration and rest because baby, there is still work to done!
so the new year has begun and in less than a damn week, we have pissed off white mummers parade loving people and an ice cream shop. allow me to tell you all about it!
we brought in the new year in my hometown of philadelphia. while there, we were able to support the blacklivesmatter philadelphia movement by participating in their interruption of the historically racists and homophobic mummers parade on new year’s day. while the protest was short, we were clearly reminded just how racist philadelphia is.

not only did we get booed, screamed at and told that we don’t “belong here”, but we also experienced told the same shit in a series of rather hilarious tweets. it is a helluva experience to experience blatant racism in real life (while philly’s finest watched) and on social media simultaneously. #WhiteSupremacy360

all this because we tweeted the truth - the mummers parade is hella racist and homophobic.

these fools actually put their kids in brown face. oh yeah, and this was fuckin’ televised.
so was this tasteless and transphobic performance mocking caillyn jenner’s transition by the finnegan new year’s brigade. get up into the fuckin’ “dude looks like a lady” song. this too was televised.
in addition to this bullshit, a gay man walking his dog was verbally and physically assaulted by members of the same brigade.
of course city officials were like “oh my gawd, we are not only surprised but appalled at the by the transphobia at the mummers parade.” those of us who have not been living under a gentrified rock, know that this is pretty normal for the mummers parade. what i found interesting although pretty norm for philly LGBTQ “leaders” was that they just refused to mention and/or acknowledge the historical racism that plagues this damn parade every year. i am not sure if they just assume that brown face is not offensive or that those in the LGBTQ community at large are just not offended by it. ima go with both.
the mummers leadership released an statement letter “apologizing” for their antics. you can google it, i am sure. i couldn’t stomach it as i am exhausted with white people, white tears and their apologies over their racist antics.
on january 2, a fellow varon from new york contacted us to inform of a screen shot of a trans woman in a fight with a horribly offensive caption posted on the new york and philly based big gay ice cream’s instragram account. (see below)

yes, you read correctly, they used the slur “tranny” and seem to think that it is funny. they also seem to think that violence is funny. we called
them out via twitter because after all that’s what twitter is for and
these assholes block us! LMAO 2016 is off to great start!