no. no. no.

you see, fusion sharing this shit like she “woke.” “ooh, listen to how she uses cool social justice buzzwords. she is so ‘woke’ that she can get you to believe in this protest.”

we are calling bullshit! she is using “movement” and social justice lingo while protesting the conviction of a killer cop. ‪#‎fail‬

she says that they are not aligning themselves with white supremacy while protesting the conviction of a killer cop. a cop who shot akai gurley, an unarmed black man by “mistake” because he feared for his life and THEN delayed calling for help and assistance for akai gurley.

mind you, protestors are wearing ugly ass shirts with an ugly ass font that reads “we are not scapegoats.” chyle, bye! would they have been protesting if this cop was found innocent? no, because he would have benefited from white supremacy that continues to protect and benefit most cops - all of colors.

this protest is whack and while she speaks “movement” talk her actions and the actions of the other whack ass protestors betray her “fancy” speak.