Louie: Look at you! You look so damn grown!

Roberto: Because I am! LOL

Louie: It’s the beard! So how are you liking Los Angeles? How long have you been out here?

Roberto: I have been out here for five years. Things are finally falling into place and I love it. I love it out here.

Louie: What made you move out here?

Roberto: I needed a change. I came out here to visit a friend of mine and I really liked it. My bae lost his job and it just felt right. I woke up one morning and said “Let’s do it.” I bought my tickets and said “Bye Philly.” LOL

Louie: Oh yeah, I do remember you just quitting your job and being like “Deuces!” LOL

Roberto: Yeah, it just felt right and I don’t regret it. When are you moving out here?

Louie: Um, I’m good. I would rather visit. LOL

Roberto Vicente, Los Angeles

Interviewed & Photographed by: Louie A. Ortiz-Fonseca